Raising three children and teaching little ones over the years, has made me realize just how important reading to our children really is. Reading can take your child on a magical trip and open their imagination like nothing else. Having a special person read to them makes it even more magical!
Since the start of my online store, The Polka Dot Monkeys, I have been seeking a nice line of storybooks that are personalized and available in soft cover as well as hardcover. That way those that wanted a great storybook, but did not want to pay the hardcover price, could still have a quality storybook. Well, I am so happy that I have found some great storybooks! Some are already on my site and the others will be online this next week.
The storybooks that are on the site now, involve your child in the storybook mentioning their name throughout and sometimes incorporating family and friends. Each of these books, stimulate your child's cognitive skills on many levels without you realizing it. Reading to children awakens their cognitive skills; such as contextual memory, auditory and visual short term memory, working memory, divided attention, shifting, spatial and visual perception, long term memory and focusing to mention a few. I am happy to offer these books $19.95 for soft cover (sold for $23.95 on some sites) and $34.95 for hardcover. You can order now and have in plenty of time for Christmas. Turnaround time is about 3 days, then 3-5 days to ship.
"Hiphop Howie" for instance, is a personalized rhyme book where your child is the main character in the story filled with rhymes and good times. Before reading this book, talk to your child about rhyming words. Run through a list of them that are found in the book, then when Howie is asked what rhymes with a certain word, they can stimulate their memory and recall some of the rhyming words. I love this book because it actually has a page that has a list of rhyming words across the top of the pages, great for visual and auditory memory. As you read the rhyming words, point to them so your child can see the words as they hear you read them.
"A Great Big Heart" is a personalized book about a child wants to demonstrate love to ones that are close to them. Showing love can come in many different forms, from drawing pictures to sharing experiences. This book walks your child through all the wonderful things that you can do to make someone feel good. By having your child recall things that have made them feel good and think up ways to make others feel good, you are stimulating all sorts of skills; recall, long and short term memory, divided attention, shifting and response time to name just a few!
This is one of my favorites! "Goes to the Aquarium" explores the underwater world full of aquatic animals and filled with the child's name written on rocks, fish, sand, bubbles and much more. Not only does this wake up the visual perception and scanning, but also spacial perception. Wake up their contextual memory by asking them to remember different places they have seen some of the creatures, or where they have played in the sand! The possibilities are endless with these books. So get to it and start reading to your little ones!
Visit www.thepolkadotmonkeys.com and follow the links, Baby & Child then Storybooks!
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